I’m not a Legends scale collector, and truth be told I have no intentions of becoming one. However, that said, there was always going to be a few figures come along in this scale which would grab my attention and potentially make it onto my shelf.

I’d seen some of the offerings from New Age but not really paid much attention, they kind of registered on my subconscious but then were swiftly filed away. It wasn’t until David was released that those transient thoughts came to the fore. Without exaggeration, David was pretty much a scaled down Masterpiece, I thought it was that good. So I ordered one and enjoyed it very much. Now obviously Optimus cannot sit on my shelf without a Megatron to face off against, but by the time I got around to obtaining an Agamemnon, New Age had released the pre-order for David ‘the toy version’. Long story short, figures were sold and replaced and now my shelf has David 27EX and Hynkel 09EX side by side.
Now that’s were the story should end, but New Age then went and showed teaser images for Ymir (Grimlock). So here I am now, with Ymir 44EX on my shelf and a bag full of hopes for the rest of the Dinobot team. Oh, and I’m currently wrestling with my conscience over Firefox 45EX…. I’m not a Legends scale collector!Why is he called Ymir? Ymir is a primeval being in Norse mythology who is the progenitor of all jötnar, or giants. I had to look it up, so figured I’d include it here just in case anyone else was in need of some superfluous information.Ymir comes in a lovely looking box, very reminiscent of the 80’s G1 US/UK toy packaging, and is housed internally in a two part clam along with two pairs of hands. Instruction sheet and weapons are in a bag. New Age opted for the rocket launcher gun with this release and a more traditional looking sword.
Out of the box and Ymir is in his Dinobot mode, resembling what was in the early 80’s, an anatomically correct looking Tyrannosaurus Rex. The overall finish and tampos are of high quality, chromed parts and some paint application all come together to emulate its G1 toy predecessor. Articulation in this mode is limited but a few descent poses can be achieved, he is a dinosaur after all.Transformation is simple enough, and for those with a working knowledge of prior Grimlocks, nothing here will surprise. All joints are stiff and everything tabs in where it should and holds well.In robot mode is where it all happens, the figure comes to life in a spectacular way. Articulation is spot on here allowing some dynamic poses. The figure is well balanced with some die-cast content too. Scale wise when alongside David and Hynkel, it’s just right, I’m a supporter of the Dinobots being on the taller side. Weapons are held well and the swap out hands are exchanged easily.Overall this is a good solid release from New Age, an awesome version of Grimlock in the smaller scale. I do have three issue points though. 1) I think for the toy version the Dinobot mode arms could’ve been made shorter and have been chromed. 2) The tampo on the front of the chest, I’d like to have seen this be an option in the form of a sticker, this would allow an Autobot insignia to be placed there. 3) Cosmetic panels to hide the inner leg gubbins. This final point is not that big an issue for me personally but I know that there are those out there that it has become a major point. And for those, it would be a great addition, given that New Age have teased them.So, short and to the point. Ymir is a little Dinobot that packs a giant sized punch and sure to make an impact on your display shelf.
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