Wednesday, 28 December 2022



Short of time and still recovering from a carbohydrate coma, I’ve decided to do a shorter review for RMX-11 Tempo. In time I may revisit this review and add to it but for now I think I’ll say pretty much all I have to on this release.

Box & Accessories

Keeping in line with the previous Remix releases, Tempo is presented in a plain brown card box with black lettering. Inside the box is a clam with the cassette case housing Tempo in his / it’s cassette mode. No accessories and as the previous Remix cassettes, it’s 1:1 scale. Ocular Max have changed the design of the packaging, gone is the inlay and replaced with a rather nice slip case. This slip case folds out to show the different modes and the transformation sequence. A point of note: the slip case is not fixed at one of the fold points. This is done by using some double sided tape.

An Instagram Reel from ChogoKing himself shows how to do this, here.

Cassette Mode

Out of the cassette case and you have Tempo in his cassette mode with a Collectors Card. The cassette mode is solid enough and feels really nice. I could be wrong but it feels like a change of materials from Jaguar. To me it certainly feels a lot better, however other than that it’s rather plain with no real detailing or stickers to apply to tart it up a little. Transformation is good, easier than Jaguar, not as loose or awkward. I watched a transformation video to do mine, I’ve pretty much abandoned the instruction booklets now.

Lion Mode

In Lion mode Tempo looks really nice. He holds together well and the joints are stiff, again another improvement over Jaguar. No paint application on the main body, just on the die-cast parts, which are painted silver and the weapons which are a matt metallic gold. Some other highlights here and there. Good articulation, with ball joints for the 4 legs and the head. Speaking of the head, it’s a nice sculpt but I can’t help feel it looks a little like a teddy bear! Albeit with lots of sharp teeth. Tempo scales well with Deformation Space Recording Alliance, and compliments him well. I’m looking forward to doing some more photo’s in the New Year with him and also Acoustic Wave and Jaguar.

Closing Thoughts

So to wrap up, another solid Cassette-Bot from Ocular Max. A great design, with good materials have given us another must have release. Just biding my time now for the release of Pitch & Forte.

I know, it's a brief one but thanks for taking the time to stop by regardless and I'll catch you all soon.

Ocular Max RMX-11 Tempo was purchased from Kapow Toys, the link to which can be found in our 'Recommended Sites' section.

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